How To Reconnect, Bring Joy and Fun Back To Your Marriage,

And Be A Team Again, in 8 Weeks ... Without Marriage Counseling

If You're Feeling Disconnected and Like Your Marriage is Headed For Divorce:

How To Reconnect, Bring Joy and Fun Back To Your Marriage, And Be A Team Again, in

8 Weeks

Without Marriage Counseling

If You're Feeling More Like Roommates than Soulmates:

How To Save Your Marriage in 8 Weeks

Without Marriage Counseling

What Do You Need Help With Today?

How To Avoid Divorce While Having Fun and Enjoying The Process

How To Reconnect With Your Spouse Without Marriage Counseling

You've been married a long time...

You've raised your kids and they're ready to live their lives now. You're heading into the second half of your life. It's your time.

And the picture you painted for the second half of your life did not include overcoming divorce.

But you're worried that you have become so disconnected you cannot come back from this. You have nothing left to talk about now that kids are gone. Your marriage feels like a chore.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Your second half can be exactly as you dreamed.

You can have true connection, while living your best life with your best friend. The type of connection where you can't wait to spend time together. Where you actually talk to each other. Where you feel seen, heard, valued and respected. Living the best years of your life.

We can help.

Most marriage saving strategies today, just don’t work. Marriage counseling, joining Free Facebook groups, scrolling social media, researching without pulling the trigger...

The fact is there’s a huge difference between information and transformation.

I’ve received so much value.

There were so many golden nuggets in Meredith and Craig's coaching.
I'm immersing myself in the Road of Life,
which has been instrumental in strengthening my relationship with my wife.

Matt G

There’s a better way...

We help couples, just like you heading into the second half of their lives. We help you create the marriage you've always wanted. One that fills you up. That fuels you. And we do that with research backed cutting-edge techniques that really work. And work FAST.

We know you don't have time to waste… you have a life to live. These are supposed to be the best years of your life and you want to get to the good part. You don't have time to spend years trying to figure this out on your own or going through a divorce.

So let's turn your marriage around right now. We'll show you the amazing tactics and strategies you need to bring back the fun and joy so you can feel like you're on the same team again. Like it used to be.

Even if you thought that shipped has sailed. It hasn't. You can change your marriage in 8 weeks, and enjoy the process.

Welcome to our virtual home. Have a look at our About Us page to get to know us. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to

watch a FREE training about the exact process we use to help our clients reconnect and bring back the fun and joy to their marriages… without marriage counseling and while having fun and actually enjoying the process.


We're so happy you're here,

Meredith and Craig


Founders of Road of Life Coaching