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Road of Life Podcast


Road of Life


With Meredith MacKay & Craig Bennett


Road of Life



68.  Dont Be Weird About Money

68. Dont Be Weird About Money

In this episode of the Road of Life Podcast, we’re ripping off the Band-Aid and getting REAL about why money makes us act so weird. Spoiler: It’s not about the dollar bills. Grab your partner, a glass... ...more


February 06, 202519 min read

67.  Why Failure Isn’t Falling Back—It’s Part of the Climb

67. Why Failure Isn’t Falling Back—It’s Part of the Climb

Here's the deal: backsliding is a myth. Yep, you heard us. Once you’ve done the work to grow, you’re already a new version of yourself—and there’s no going back. Life isn't a straight line. You don't ... ...more


January 30, 202513 min read

66.  Overcoming Negative Self-Talk and Embracing a Growth Mindset

66. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk and Embracing a Growth Mindset

Do you ever hear that little voice in your head—the one that tells you you’re not good enough, that you can’t do it, or that you’re failing? Yeah, us too. We call ours “Jack,” and in this episode, we’... ...more


January 23, 202518 min read

65.  The Power of Community and the Five Life Accounts

65. The Power of Community and the Five Life Accounts

This week on The Road of Life, we’re diving into the power of community and why building strong relationships is the ultimate key to a longer, happier, and healthier life. We’re sharing the 5 hidden “... ...more


January 16, 202518 min read

64.  Belonging Starts with Being YOU

64. Belonging Starts with Being YOU

In this episode of The Road of Life Podcast, we’re diving deep into a topic that affects every relationship, friendship, and interaction in our lives: the difference between fitting in and belonging. ... ...more


January 09, 202519 min read

63.  Goal Setting and Planning for 2025

63. Goal Setting and Planning for 2025

This week, we’re sharing a step-by-step process we've refined over the years to set meaningful goals, build momentum, and create a year you can be proud of.Whether you're a seasoned goal-setter or jus... ...more


January 02, 202515 min read


Meredith & Craig

Life partners, business partners, and best friends. We left the corporate grind to become fulltime entrepreneurs... with no idea what we were doing.

That made for some interesting, amazing, stressful, awesome, painful, scary, awful, awesome, insightful, unbelievable decisions, moments, experiences, relationships, and quite honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Our marriage is the foundation for everything else we build in our lives. It is a cheat code for life, and we believe that having that part dialed in levels up every other part of life.

We help others live their dream life... and that starts with a rock solid relationship so they can level up the rest of their lives too.

Tune in for a dose of laughter, love, a gentle ass kicking, and game-changing wisdom that will help you unleash your potential and build the life of your dreams together.